Friday, October 1, 2010

Lovely Bones #3

Pages 56-160

I read so much this week! I got so into my book that I couldn't stop. I think I did a great job of reading this week :) The only thing I didn't like was some of the language.

This was probably one of my favorite readings so far. The dad knows who killed Susie! He spent more time with Mr.Harvey. The dad and the neighbor were making this house when Susie's dad heard Mr.Harvey say, "I love my wife, Susie!" When I read this part I was like, OH MY GOSH!!!!!! I felt like Mr.Harvey kind of gave away the fact that he had killed Susie.

He started to pay more attention to Mr.Harvey. When he knew for sure that he killed his daughter, he told the cops. The bad thing is that the cops don't believe him. If I died and my dad knew who killed me, and the cops didn't believe me I would be way mad. The police are also going to give up on the detective search! I think that the cops should believe the dad because he is the father of the girl who was murdered.

I feel so happy for Lindsey :) I feel happy for her because she has a BOYFRIEND!!!! He is so nice to her and makes her feel like her life was never hurt. I think that this guy is going to be good because it will get her mind off of Susie. The only thing I don't like about their relationship is that they are going to have sex. In my opinion I think that you should do that until after you're married. Lindsey and her boyfriend are 14!!!!!! That is 100% wrong!

1 comment:

  1. If Lindsey does have sex there could be some problems! If you had a kid your life would be ruined. If you were in activites at school you could be kicked off. Also if you had a kid you would never have free time :( It would be hard to do homework,take care of your kid, and talk to your family. If Lindsey would think about these thing maybe she would put a second thought into what she is doing.

    If you had a child your parents would not trust you. You would have no one to talk to about your problems. Your parents might not let you leave the house or, let your sibilings leave. What I mean by that is, your younger sister or brother would never be able to hang with friends. They could also not be able to date someone because your parents might think that you would have sex or make the same decisions. Your younger sibling could have a bad or stress relationship with you. This would put so much pressure on you. It puts so much stress into your life, and your parents!
