Friday, September 24, 2010

Lovely Bones #2

Pages 50-56 :(

This week I didn't read that much and I feel so bad :(. I don't know why I didn't but I guess it just happened.

Susie's little sister was looking in her room. Susie thought that Lindsey would take something from her room. Lindsey didn't take anything. She was just looking around. I think Lindsey is good at snooping around! If I was Susie, I would also think that she would take something from the room.

In Susie's room, Lindsey finds this picture of her mom. I have no idea what the picture is. The picture must be really bad because it makes Lindsey start to cry. I really want to find out what the picture is,and why it makes her mom turn into a bad person.

I think that Mr. Harvey is going to die old and CRAZY! Why I think that is because he kills Susie and makes her say "I love you". I think that someone should set Mr.Harvey up with a woman his age, so that his obsession of younger kills will stop.

In the beginning of the book all I can think about is SUSIE DON'T GO INTO THE HUT WITH MR. HARVEY. STRANGER DANGER!!!!!

Also, just for fun I read Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark, by Alvin Schwartz.
Pages 1-33

This book is so cool to read. There are so many different types of stories in the book. There are ones that make you jump and ones that are really sad. In this book there are many short stories. Each story has a different thought and meaning. The one thing that they all have in common is that they are meant to scare you.

I love this book and I can wait to finish it :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Betrayed #4 and thr Lovely Bones #1

pages- 291 to 310 (aka end)
In the last part of the book, everything is a huge shock. When I read this it made me want more of the story. Nefert is the one who everyone thinks is awesome and nice. When you read further you realize that she is mean and selfish. She is the one who is behind all of the killings. When Zoey goes and saves Heath the ghosts are not all dead. They are only half dead. The only dead part about them is the goodness in them. Stevie Ray and Zoey are back together. Zoey wants to bring Stevie Ray back to school, but they don't know if they can.

I think that Aphrodite and Zoey will become great friends. I know this because they both hate Nefert. They both know that she is a faker and lies to a lot of people. I hope in the next book Zoey and her friends will accept Aphrodite as one of their friends. I think it might be hard for them because no one likes her. They don't like her because she is really mean to other people.

I think this book was really AWESOME. I can't wait to read the next book. This week I didn't do as much reading as I should have. Next week I think I will read when I have free time and not watch T.V.

The next book that I am reading is the Lovely Bones. It is by Alice Sebold.
Pages 1 to 50
The beginning of this book is in a two point perspective. What I mean is that the main character tells about how she dies and when she is in heaven at the same time. I think it is cool how she does that. There is a lot of dialog in this book too. I am not a big fan of dialog because sometimes it gets a little boring.

I really like how the author describes what happens. Like Betrayed, I can see myself as a person in heaven listening to Susie's story. Susie's family is different from other family's. Her dad is mean and embarasses his kids. There are pictures of Susie's little sister naked in the main bathroom. He also tells stories that only should be shared with family and not the neighbors. If I was a parent I would never do that to my kids.

When Susie is killed by Mr. Harvey it kind of scared me. I think that Susie should have just gone home and not went into the little hut underground. Mr. Harvey is the family's neighbor. He is a middle age lonely man with no girlfriend. When he tells the family things that the police have found, he is very careful of not telling his secret.

In this book heaven is what you would like it to be. If someone else wanted to have a heaven like you, they would be with you. It is kind of like a little town in the sky. In your heaven it could be boring but fun at the same time :)

I really like this book so far. There is a lot of mystery in the book. I think that I have had a good start so far. Next week I hope I can read more and see what Susie's life is like in heaven.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Betrayed #3

Pages 153-291
This part of the book is kind of sad and creepy at the same time. It is sad because Zoey's BFF dies and her almost ex-boyfriend goes missing. I think Zoey is becoming like Aphrodite because she has been having these dreams that are like visions. `And another weird thing about Zoey is that she can see dead people. The people are not human they are vampyres that have rejected the change. Zoey thinks that the people who are going missing have been taken by these ghost things. I agree with Zoey's missing people opinion.

Things have not been going right at The House of Night. Zoey and Aphrodite have been talking a lot more and they have been nicer to each other. I think that Zoey and Aphrodite will become friends but not BFF'S! Now Zoey has been trusting Aphrodite with her visions. Aphrodite has been warning Zoey to stay from the highest priest Neferet. At first Zoey thought that Aphrodite was jealous of Zoey because she became the leader of the dark daughters. Farther into the book Zoey sees Neferet(and one of the dead vampyres) giving blood to him from her body. Then when Stevie Ray dies Nefert gives her a drink. Zoey doesn't know what to do with the drink. Aphrodite tells her not to drink it and Zoey does what she is told. Later that day, Aphrodite states that the drink made the person loose their memory.

Heath (almost ex-boyfriend) gets taken away by the ghost things. I think that Zoey is a great friend to Heath. She goes and finds where he is and saves him with her friends help. If someone did that for me I would have a place for them in my heart.

I know that Eric does not like the fact that Zoey is going to find Heath and save them. In my last blog I said that Zoey likes three guys! They are Loren, Heath, and Eric. Zoey has a problem here. She is dating Eric, flirted with Loren A LOT (he is a teacher but he is like 20 years old), and she has imprinted Heath. If I were in that position I would stop flirting with Loren and never do it again. I would have a long conversation with Heath and tell him that we would never be able to get married because I would still be young and he will still be older. I would date Eric because he is a great person, good role model, # 1 top student in the class and he has a little nerdiness inside of him that LOVES Star Wars.

I can feel Zoey's pain in this book. Her BFF (Stevie Ray) has just died and a part of her heart has been broken. Stevie Ray is a person who always puts herself second! She treats Zoey like she is her sister and her parents are Zoeys parents. The only reason that Stevie Ray says that her parents are Zoeys parents is because her mom and step dad HATE vampyres. When Stevie Ray dies it happens right after the Full Moon Ritual. When she was dying, Stevie Ray asked Zoey if she would never leave her side. If my BFF died and asked me to do that I would stick to that promise.

I think this week I did a good job at reading. I read before bed and when ever I had free time! I am almost done with this book so I know that my next book will not be a vampire book. If I could change something in the way I read it would be writing down more stuff for my blog. This week I didn't do that a lot and I had to think about what I read. I can't wait to finish this book and see what happens to Zoey and her friends :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Betrayed #2

Pages 77-156
I think that one of the mean main characters (Aphrodite) is jealous of Zoey (Main character) because of her mark. I also think that she is trying to make Zoey have a bad reputation. In this book vampyres have special gifts like twilight vampires. Aphrodite's gift is seeing the future. I really like how Zoey and her friends save they day. They put themselves second and that is really nice of them. They are going to save people by calling the FBI and threaten that there is a bomb threat under a bridge that is going to fall. If I was in that situation I have no idea what I would do to save people from dying.

I think that is is weird that Zoey has a vampyre boyfriend but likes another vampyer and her almost ex-boyfriend from school. If you are dating someone I think that you shouldn't flirt with another guy. In my opinion that is like they are cheating.

I think that the book so far is awesome. I think it is awesome because of the way the author describes the characters. When I read this book it is like a TV in my head. I also feel like I'm in the story. What I mean by I'm in the story is that I am following Zoey around like a stalker and learning about her life. When I read this my mind goes in different directions. Sometimes it is hard to consecrate, but other times its like I'm in a different world :)

I think that there is hardly anytime to read. I think that because homework, and volleyball take up a lot of my day. I love to read but I wish I had more time to do it :) I fear that it is going to get worse once volleyball games are going to start. I get to an awesome part in the book but it is really late and I kneed to go to bed. I would ALWAYS love to stay up late to read but if I don't go to bed I am really cranky at school.