Thursday, September 2, 2010

Betrayed #2

Pages 77-156
I think that one of the mean main characters (Aphrodite) is jealous of Zoey (Main character) because of her mark. I also think that she is trying to make Zoey have a bad reputation. In this book vampyres have special gifts like twilight vampires. Aphrodite's gift is seeing the future. I really like how Zoey and her friends save they day. They put themselves second and that is really nice of them. They are going to save people by calling the FBI and threaten that there is a bomb threat under a bridge that is going to fall. If I was in that situation I have no idea what I would do to save people from dying.

I think that is is weird that Zoey has a vampyre boyfriend but likes another vampyer and her almost ex-boyfriend from school. If you are dating someone I think that you shouldn't flirt with another guy. In my opinion that is like they are cheating.

I think that the book so far is awesome. I think it is awesome because of the way the author describes the characters. When I read this book it is like a TV in my head. I also feel like I'm in the story. What I mean by I'm in the story is that I am following Zoey around like a stalker and learning about her life. When I read this my mind goes in different directions. Sometimes it is hard to consecrate, but other times its like I'm in a different world :)

I think that there is hardly anytime to read. I think that because homework, and volleyball take up a lot of my day. I love to read but I wish I had more time to do it :) I fear that it is going to get worse once volleyball games are going to start. I get to an awesome part in the book but it is really late and I kneed to go to bed. I would ALWAYS love to stay up late to read but if I don't go to bed I am really cranky at school.


  1. Good post! I know how difficult it can be to schedule in reading time when you have a busy schedule. What you have going for you is that it is obvious that you truly love to read. Make sure you take advantage of study hall time, between classes, and other opportunities. I am looking forward to your next installment!

    btw- your post has the fewest grammatical/spelling errors of all that I have read this week so far-- good job proofreading!!!

  2. I do not have any studyhalls at all because I am both in ban in choir. I WISH I HAD STUDYHALLS haha :)

  3. that would be "both in band and choir!"

